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You're grown man, start acting like it!

I've involved in a phone fight today. Its all happened when i start doing my job and required me to call customer for update. That guy answering the phone and start scolding me for a few minutes.

He said it so annoying and everything. To me, he is the most annoying!
He is the bad debtor of my company. Dealing in CASH term but in the end he refused to pay.
Saya tak tahu nak acting macam mana lepas kena marah macam tu sekali, should I just smile and pretend like nothing happend?

Tiba2 rasa darah sangat mendidih dan *meletop*.
My collegues semua diam dengar saya bergaduh dengan jerk tu.

End up, that jerk letak telefon after he ask me what should he do. (really? that is your prob , y ask me??)
I just reply by JUST DO YOUR BEST!

Conclusion, I just dont get it macam mana ada lagi orang perangai macam ni?
Seronok ke berhutang pastu marah2 creditor? Hello patutnya kitorg ni yang patut marah kamu okeh!

You're not a child any more, but a grown man dude, we're dealing in a professional way.

Start acting like it!

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